Babies are born ready to learn, and their brains mature through experiences. So, your child needs a
stimulating environment and prospects with amply different ways to play and learn. Your child also needs
opportunities to repeat, replicate and practise what they’re learning.
Babies and young children learn best when they have heartfelt,
involved and responsive relationships with their key care-takers. So we play a vital
role in helping your child learn during their early priceless years. We graciously embrace
your tender child as first mother teacher and your child will keep learning & ignite from within before
they step into higher section of schools.
Your young child learns through everyday fun, frolic, play and exploration in a safe and stimulating
environment in our prestigious pre-school.
Your child’s relationships with you, our facilitators and other family members -are the
early childhood educators –shapes the foundation for your
child’s healthy learning, grooming and development. Plenty of time spent playing and interacting with
your child and other esteemed members of Udayan family help your child learn important skills they need for
life to flourish & prosper– like communicating, thinking, problem-solving skills with
sensation of togetherness.
All children reap marvellous benefits from trying plenty of different activities. This instils in them versatile ways & infuses deep curiosity to learn, adapt, align and grow. We offer bountiful opportunities to practise what they’re learning. For example, it’s important for your child to have activities that are indoors and outdoors, physically active or quiet, free play or more structured, and so on.
Your child needs active support for learning. For example, your child might sometimes need demonstration what to do and how to do. We may not give them all the answers but scintillate them to find solutions. Allowing children to make mistakes and making them learn through mistakes is the foundation where the child can be groomed to be great learners. They are stimulated to find out for themselves how the world works is a big part of learning. With our ethos of Praise and encouragement when your child tries hard, we keep them interested, inquisitive and help them feel good. It also encourages them to try again in the future. They start smelling the fragrance of Try, try, try until you succeed at this tender age.